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    Генеральный спонсор

    Генеральный партнер РШФ

    При поддержке
    Beauty, inspiration, intelligence, and Queen's Gambit
    IMG 3760

    The long-awaited Women's World Championship started in Krasnaya Polyana. The location suits the event ideally – fresh air, mountains, spa-centers, and swimming pools provide excellent options for regaining energy after hard-fought games, and the beauty of sights is very inspiring.

    As the RCF President Andrey Filatov mentioned at the press-conference, Sochi gathered not only the smartest, but also the most beautiful players, and it is indeed hard to argue about it. All the participants are colorful personalities who prove on a daily basis that there is no contradiction between beauty and intelligence.

    Igor Levitin, the adviser of the Russian President, made a symbolic first move in Koneru (India)-Moaataz (Egypt). The Indian player asked him to push the d-pawn, and the Queen's Gambit brought her a victory.

    Igor Levitin

    Soon after the start of the round the press center hosted a press-conference on cooperation between the Sistema Charity Fund and the Non-profit Partnership Chess at Schools, aimed at introducing chess into the school curriculum in Russia.

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