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    Alisa Galliamova: Three months is not a break for me!
    IMG 5180Alisa Galliamova plays less chess than most other participants of the World Championship, and yet has a very fruitful career with many achievements including two final matches for the World Championship and winning the Russian championships. She came to the press center after a draw with Tatiana Kosintseva, which secured her the seat in the 3rd Roumd.

    Anastasia Karlovich: Please welcome Alisa Galliamova, who passed Tatiana Kosintseva and advanced to the third round of the championship! Alisa, let us start with your first round match against Carolina Lujan from Argentina. I know you two already played at the 2006 World Championship. You had quite a tense matches!

    Alisa Galliamova: In 2006 I lost the first game and won the second one, however, the tie-break was much easier for me than this time. Actually, I tend to have rough time early in tournaments and often start with losses. Tatiana Kosintseva also had a very difficult tie-break, so we both were very tired, but maybe I looked a bit better in our match.

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